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Do you like the new Sherlock Holmes movies? Well, that is a great example of a new genre that emerged in the 80s and is known as steampunk. Steampunk novels take place in the past yet there is a prevalence of futuristic machinery that is run by steam. It is super cool... or hot, I guess!


  1. Have a Steampunk recommendation? Post it!

  2. I have a steampunk recommendation: The Leviatian. It's part of a trilogy and recounts of the struggles of a young prince during the 1st World War. This young prince must struggle between many choices. The most important part of the story hwever is the two factions that battle each other during this fabricated World War: The Darwinists and the Clankers. The Darwinists mix genes to get unnatural creatures with which they fight the war while the Clankers have advanced machinery that runs on steam. One tip: Read the WHOLE series as there are three books: Leviathan, Behemoth, and Goliath. Each book of the trilogy captivates your attention.

    1. @J-B Excellent recommendation! That series sounds fantastic and it is by the author of Uglies! Seems you really know about this book because your synopsis is detailed and intriguing and you do not give any of the ending away! :) I will have to read this series soon! Adding it to my huge stack! I will also add it to the shelf on here!

  3. I have not read this book even though I have heard a lot about it. It sounds really interesting! Great synopsis J-B!
